Abstract— This study was conducted to determine seed cotton yield and yield components of some cotton varieties sown in different row distances after wheat harvest in Kahramanmaras conditions. Eleven cotton varieties (Albania-6172, Aktas-3, Beli Izvor-432, Azerbaycan-3038, Delta Opal, ST-468, DP-388, DP-5111, Golden West, ST-453 and Maras-92) and two different row distances (conventional row: 70×20 cm, narrow row: 35×20 cm) were used in the study. The experiment was designed as a split-plot with three replication in which sowing densities were the main plots and cotton cultivars were sub plots. In the study first harvest seed cotton ratio (FHSR), plant height (PH), number of fruit branches per plant (NFBP), number of bolls per plant (NBP), seed cotton weight per boll (SWB), ginning turn out (GTO) and seed cotton yield (SCY) were investigated. As a result of variance analyses, FHSR, PH, NFBP and SCY were affected by row distances. All the investigated characteristics except SWB were significantly affected by cultivar and interaction effects for FHSR, PH, NFBP and SCY were observed. In addition, the highest SCY was obtained from cultivar of Aktas-3 (2200 kg ha-1) in narrow row distance and it was followed by cotton cultivars of ST-468 and DP-388.
Keywords— Cotton, Row distance, Narrow row, Cultivar, Seed cotton yield, Yield components.
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