Ecophysiological Yield Components In Wheat Cultivars Under Variable Phosphorus Availability

Abstract Effects of P deficiency and interactions Cultivar x P available, on wheat yield and ecophysiological components were analysed, considering that the grain number m-2 is the product of the length of spike growth period, crop growth rate during this phase, the proportion of growth for spikes (partitioning) and spike fertility (grain number produced per unit of spike dry weight). Four cultivars with different strategy to generate yield (i.e. combinations of ecophysiological yield components) were compared with and without P fertilization, during two years in Azul, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The soil was moderately P deficient (7-9 mg P kg-1 soil) and P fertilization treatments (50 kg P ha-1) were established at sowing. P deficiencies affected yield and most of its components, the exceptions were: partitioning to spike, spike growth period and radiation use efficiency. The interaction Cultivar x P fertilization was not significant in all cases. The lack of interaction between cultivar and P level suggest that improvements in any crop physiological component will express in both, moderately deficiencies or high P environment.

Keywords Ecophysiological yield components, P deficiency, stability yield components.

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