Abstract— The arrowroot starch is much appreciated in the preparation of desserts, breads, cookies and cakes. However the production of starch by the commercial varieties is still made in an amateur way without proper management. The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design in factorial 3 (rhizomes sizes) x 2 (substrates). The three rhizome sizes arrowroot, were classified as small (≤ 15.0 g), medium (≥ 15.01 and ≤ 30.0) and big (≥ 30.01 g) according to their weights. We evaluated: height collect from the region to the apex of the leaf, stem diameter at the collar region survival percentage of rhizomes, shoot dry weight, root dry mass, average number of seedlings per rhizome and calculated the index quality seedlings Dickson. There were no differences in the interaction between plants x substrate. However the size of rhizomes influenced the quality of the seedlings, and the big (≥ 30.01 g) rhizomes was what produced seedlings with the best quality.
Keywords—Marantha arundinacea L., propagation, starch, ground.
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